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Spring / Primavera



Is the season of life as I call it, and it is here again, and I regularly wonder how often the changes of seasons will happen, but I don’t know! I say that because with the kind of weather we have been having lately makes me wonder if this phenomenon will happen regularly in the future. The weather patterns for the whole year are changing drastically. Maybe we are going to have only two seasons, summer and winter, every year due to global warming caused by our own actions.

Besides the change in the weather patterns flowers are still blooming and the birds are still doing what they know how to do best, sing their beautiful songs. I am busy planting my vegetables in the garden which became expensive lately. In order to cut cost, I decided to do my own seedlings, planting seeds harvested during last season. It is fun but it requires a little patience and time too.


 A estacao da vida, como eu a considero, esta conosco novamente. E com que frequencia as estacoes do ano seguiram mudando? Infelismente nao sabemos. Digo isso por que o tipo de clima que estamos tendo ultimamente me faz pensar se a mudanca de estacoes ocorrera regurlamente no futuro. Ano apos ano mudancas climaticas acontecem dramaticamente e devido a estas mudancas provavelmente teremos apenas duas estacoes, verao e inverno devido ao aquecimento global causado pelas acoes do ser humano.

Mesmo com as mudancas nas condicoes climaticas as flores continuam florindo e os passaros continuam fazendo o que eles sabem fazer bem, cantar suas maravilhosas cancoes. Estou ocupado plantando meus vegetais no jardim, o que ficou bem mais caro ultimamente. De forma a economisar eu mesmo planto minhas mudas em casa com sementes que colhi na ultima safra. E agradavel desta forma, mas e necessario ter  paciencia e tempo tambem.