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Food / Alimento



Today I would like to talk about food!

Yes, the thing that sustains us and keeps us alive and health. Have you ever thought about a world without food? Well when I was young my mother often told us about that possibility and she also often said that the time societies were going to struggle to feed themselves was not too far away!

Well after seeing the destruction man is causing to the planet and many countries around the world not able to produce enough food for its population, I start to think about my mother and about the things she said to me and my siblings. Thirty years has past and her thoughts about the future were not wrong and they still resonate in my memory, because today there are many countries around the globe that are not able to feed themselves due to many factors: drought, forest fires, lack of rain, destruction of the rain forests around the world, and also money. I mentioned money because the leaders of many countries and also the business community choose to export the food they produce instead of feeding their own populations. I think money is the biggest factor why there are so many people lacking the basic necessity that is food. Globalization contributed to the lack of food around the world. It is true because poor countries can sell the food they produce for a higher price in the international market instead of in their own internal markets. The inequality of wealth makes food production and distribution more expensive to many people around the world today.

And what kinds of thoughts do you have about food? What is your favorite food? Personally I like making my own food and I like preparing and cooking it myself. I like making fruit jams which is not difficult to do. My latest is a persimmon jam I made the night before, and it tastes pretty good! Would you like to try some of my persimmon jam? Well maybe one day you will be able to do that! And don’t forget to say thanks to the food that you have on your dinner table every day! And see you next time.



Minha concersa hoje e sobre alimentos.

Aqueles alimentos que nos dao energia e que nos mantem saudaveis. Nao estou ffalando em junk food, aquele tipo de comida que nos engorda e que nao faz nenhum bem ao corpo. Voce ja pensou em um mundo sem comida, onde populations sobrevivem sem a alimentacao basica para sua existencia? Cada vez que penso nesta situacao eu penso em minha mae, sim ela sempre nos disse que um dia no futuro nao haveria comida suficiente para alimentar o mundo, e ela nao estava errada nao! Ela sempre conversou a respeito de suas premonicoes, onde na maioria dos casos estavam corretas. No mundo de hoje a falta de alimentos e a fome tomou conta de muitos paises ao redor do mundo por causa de muitos fatores: seca, fogo nas matas, devastacao florestal, e dinheiro. Para mim o dinheiro e o fator principal na falta de comida ao redor do mundo. Os paises pobres geralmente vendem suas producoes agricolas no exterior ao inves de vanede-las nos seus proprios mercados, por que o preco e melhor e as moedas internacionais sao mais valorizadas. A inequalidade na distribuicao da riquesa faz com que a producao de alimentos fique mais cara, com isso os mercados ficam sem a alimentacao necessaria para alimentar as massas.

E o que voce pensa a respeito deste topico? E qual e sua comida predileta? Eu gosto de preparar e cozinhar minha propria comida. Na noite passada, por example, eu fiz uma compota de Kaqui, que por sinal ficou muito boa!  Voce gostaria de esperimenta-la? Quem sabe um dia isso seja possivel! Ate a proxima!!!